SBOBET is a European and Asian based bookmaker that has a strong focus on responsible gambling. It uses advanced encryption technology to keep players financial information safe and has an extensive FAQ section that answers many commonly asked questions. It also provides a wide variety of betting options, including Asian handicaps and total lines.

The interface is highly customisable once you have logged in, giving you the option to tailor it to your own preferences. You can even change the order of sports displayed on the website, and there are a number of different settings that allow you to automatically accept better odds for your bets. Its also possible to choose the amount of money you’d like to risk on each bet, and your betting slip will display both the minimum and maximum stakes you can place.

Sbobet has a good reputation for customer service, and it is easy to contact their support staff via phone, email or live chat. The site also offers a mobile app, which makes it very convenient to play on the go. The app is available for most major devices, and it allows you to place bets in multiple languages.

sbobet employees rate their management team as B-, which is among the top 40% of companies of this size. However, some employees believe that the pace of work is too fast and the company doesn’t offer a good balance between pay and benefits. Additionally, some employees don’t feel that their meetings are effective.